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Le Médaillon


The “Médaillon” from CarréSol Éditions, envisioned by Pierre Gonalons, embodies our commitment to creating distinctive floors that result from collaboration, interactions, and exquisite materials.

The collection is named after the central circle, which can be customized with various wood types or adorned with marble or stone inlays.

A true signature that mirrors the commitment to live in an extraordinary interior.

Pierre Gonalons

 This year, embracing a new sense of freedom, designer Pierre Gonalons joined forces with CarréSol Éditions. Their collaboration, which followed a year of meticulous research and development, culminated in the creation of "The MÉDAILLON."

The MÉDAILLON parquet draws inspiration from a hidden gem in Paris: the Passage Vero-Dodat. This historic arcade, known for its neo-classical elegance, now serves as the gallery of Pierre Gonalons. It is within this iconic setting that the MÉDAILLON was conceived.

Pierre Gonalons, influenced by traditional materials and artisanal techniques, brings a unique perspective shaped by his Italian heritage and deep appreciation for French cultural history and art.

A Commitment to Leaving Its Mark 

In just ten years, CarréSol Éditions has delved into and mastered a wide array of artisanal wood techniques, leading to the creation of its distinctive parquet collections. This exceptional craftsmanship has garnered the attention of a diverse audience and impressed even the most discerning architects. With cutting-edge tools and precise industrial processes, the brand is equipped to bring the most innovative projects to life.

Embracing a spirit of collaboration and dialogue, CarréSol has established its “Édition” division. This initiative caters to designers and architects aiming to craft unique, bespoke creations, positioning CarréSol as the first French design house to offer custom parquetry.

« With this parquet design, I aimed to convey my passion for French flooring. Originally conceived for my gallery, where I envisioned a contemporary floor, I naturally turned to CarréSol for its production. I knew that what might seem like a simple design could be technically intricate, and I trust CarréSol’s expertise in tackling creative challenges. I am delighted to see this parquet now available to all, featuring a beautiful selection of woods and marbles to suit any project. »

Pierre Gonalons


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